Summer Update

Hello folks! We've been awfully quiet since the hill closed in March. The events of 2020 have been exceptionally disappointing: with all of the late snow we received in April, we could have *easily* been skiing until early May.

A few updates:

  • A big thank you goes out to the Manitoba Hydro Social Club for their donation of $583.75, contributed by our local Hydro workers!

  • We have a whole new website live at (which you’ve already found if you’re reading this)! It will be a lot easier for us to keep it up to date and promote upcoming events and information online.

  • We're working on setting up a date for our "spring" AGM, which will now be a summer AGM: dates to come in the coming weeks. More than likely, it will be held on the Mystery Mountain grounds (a great opportunity to see the hill in the off-season... it's just as gorgeous!)

  • We have a firm ready to replace the T-Bar line that failed last year, but COVID-19 precautions are complicating our ability to bring them up for the repairs. As soon as these restrictions are relaxed, we intend to repair the cable.

In the meantime, don't let today's snow get you down. We're still pretty sure summer will get here eventually.