What to Expect on Opening Day!

Happy holidays everyone! We’re excited to kick off another ski season this Saturday, January 1!

The morning is looking a bit cold based on our Cold Weather Policy, so our official opening time is 12:00pm to 4:00pm on both Saturday and Sunday. The tow rope and T-Bar will be open!

Opening Weekend Plans:

Our opening weekend, starting January 1, is going to look a lot like last year:

1. The chalet will be closed for now, but passes, rentals, and washrooms will still be available through the building.

2. If you are indoors or in the lift line, we need everyone to cover their face.

3. New: You will need to be double-vaccinated to use our facilities, indoor or outdoor. Children under 12 do not need to be vaccinated, but their caregivers do.

We’re Working With The Resources We Have.

If you visited Mystery Mountain last year, you likely saw that our lift lines were packed to the brim. We were one of the only recreational facilities open last year, and despite the traffic, we’re proud to say that an outbreak was never traced back to our facility. We want to repeat that this year.

We were really excited to open the chalet and lounge this year, but with the current staff and resources at our disposal, we need to take our re-opening plans one step at a time.

We will be re-evaluating how we operate as the season progresses. Despite our caution, we hope we can ramp up to a more fulsome season in time.